This Beloved Journey.

Soul Care Companion. Retreat Guide. Spiritual Friend.


To create sacred space for you to meet with God wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Come as you are into a compassionate, Christ-centered environment designed to connect you with Love.

You are the Beloved.

Providing you with a safe space to connect with God

You are the beloved of God and you are on a spiritual journey. As a spiritual director, retreat guide, and soul care companion, I come alongside you and participate in your growth, healing and wholeness for everyday life. My goal is to listen compassionately and intentionally for how God is moving in your beloved journey!

“The Greatest gift my friendship can give to you is the gift of your Belovedness. I can give that gift only insofar as I have claimed it for myself. Isn’t that what friendship is all about: giving to each other the gift of our Belovedness?”

~Henri J.M. Nouwen


In-person and remote options

Sessions will take place remotely or in my office in Cincinnati, Ohio.

If you are able to come in person, there will be a candle, a cup of tea, and a peaceful environment awaiting your arrival. Plan on one hour of uninterrupted time together.

Soul Care Companion, Guide, Friend

Meet Jill

“Jill has facilitated close to 40 hours of listening, journaling, and Visio Divina to support my spiritual attunement and growth. Through our monthly meetings over the past three years, we have witnessed healing in my relationship with God and authority, others, community, and myself including restoration of health to my physical body. She continues to bear witness to my life as I adjust to a new job and relationship. I am so thankful for the welcoming space she creates to be still and listen. It would not be overstating to say it has been life-changing!”

— Rebekah, Spiritual Direction Client

Start YOUR beloved journey, today.